Think to Change: Purpose response


believe.behave.becomeSometimes, I have a bad attitude. My bad attitude causes me to be short tempered with others.  It makes it hard for me to enjoy things I love.  It causes me to have hateful, anxious thoughts.  I really need to do something about my bad attitude. That’s why the Think to Change series comes at just the right time for me.  Being reminded that I am God’s creation, that He created me in His image, that I may reveal His Character and glory to others, is a real attitude adjuster.  

In his Think to Change: Purpose message, Jeff talked about looking through not at from Matthew 6.  Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you. (Matthew 6:33)  The world can distract us. I know it has distracted me. I have been looking at the world.  This is the cause of my bad attitude. But, there is a cure!

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2)

I think Jeff called it our “holy radar.”  The idea that as you and I go about our days, our minds are on the things that are above. That we are continuously seeking His kingdom, His righteousness.  Jesus reminds us, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21) Changing my mindset changes my heart, which changes my attitude.  I think of others. I speak sweeter to them.  I find joy in doing the things I love again. I have peace.

Setting our minds on Him leads to true, perfect peace.  Leah DiPascal, of the Proverbs 31 First5 team, puts it like this, “fully embracing the truth of God’s providence can give us more peace than we ever imagined possible. It allows us to replace our fears with faith and our worries with thanksgiving.” (Leah DiPascal,  And it allows us to replace our bad attitudes with joy.  Jeff talked about no longer having to fight against the current of life when our minds, our hearts seek Him first. I can think of no place I’d rather be than riding the current of life with My Heavenly Father.

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” (Hebrews 10:23)

Our God is a promise keeper.  He promises to love us.  He promises to save us.  He promises to never leave us.  He promises that all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33) He knows our needs; He knows exactly what we need.  When we seek Him, we can trust Him to meet our needs.  

At the conclusion of his message, Jeff challenged us to think of one thing we could start doing that evidences we are seeking Him. I want to worry less  At the end of Matthew 6 Jesus gives a command So do not worry (Matthew 6:34). Like Leah shared, I want to replace my worries with thanksgiving. How pleasing would it be to my Heavenly Father if I obeyed His command to not worry, and instead offered praises of thanksgiving to Him? For me, this may look like listening to worship music, or reading scripture when I start to worry.  Or, praying and thanking God for who He is and what He has done for me by sending His Son, Jesus.  When I behave like I believe I can become a person at peace.

Dear Father,

Thank You that You are a promise keeper. Thank You that Your words have the power to change our minds, our hearts and our attitudes.  Thank you that as we seek You, we can trust You.  Thank You for being the Prince of Peace. Help us seek you first everyday.  Help us to behave in a way that evidences You to others.  
