Thinking of Others


As I am socially distant or “quarantined” in Richmond with my parents, there are things that I’ve been thankful to see. People are spending more time with their families. Creativity is beginning to blossom in ways that it has been dormant for awhile. We’re finding more time to read or do that house project that we’ve been neglecting for months (or years). Whatever it may be, there are obvious positives that are coming from this situation.

But, as I mentioned in the first sentence, I am at my parents house.

As a 25 year old that is about to be married, this obviously wasn’t in the plans. However, I am beyond thankful to have a family that is willing to house me, feed me, and spend time with me. But, once the excitement of being home wore off, I have to adjust into “how can I think of my family” mode. You see, since I don’t live at home, I have to adjust to my parents normal routines. They have things going on and their world doesn’t revolve around me.

Why does this matter?

I often find myself thinking big about how to care for people. Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a bad thing, but I can often miss out on thinking of others immediate needs that are right in front of me. And when I enter back into my parent’s home, I have to put myself in their shoes. How does my mom feel cared for? My step-dad? This takes intentionality, listening, and acting upon those things which you’ve heard. Do I do this perfectly? Absolutely not. More times than not, I can feel myself frustrated when things aren’t happening how I want them to. It is in those moments where I need to breathe, say a quick prayer, reset, and carry on.

I love Luke 16:10 ““If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” When I think of being at my parent’s house for a bit, I have a choice with how I act. I can choose to be faithful in the small details of caring for them. Will anybody see? Nope. Does that matter? Absolutely not; that takes away from the whole integrity thing. So, for all of you families out there in close contact with each other, stop and take a moment to ask yourself this question: “How can I care for those around me? How do they feel cared for?” If we would take a moment, realign ourselves with Jesus and ask these simple questions, we begin to see that a lot of problems arise from when we are constantly thinking of only ourselves.

Be faithful in the small things and put yourself in the shoes of your family. Learn to care for them well.