This Week in Children’s Ministry

Blog, Children's Ministry

What are those crazy kids up to?

Welcome to This Week in Children’s Ministry, the part of the Northstar website where we take a look at what the kids are learning on Sunday morning and keep you up to date with what’s coming up and what your family can begin looking forward to!


  • This week, our Jumpstart kids continued learning about this month’s Life App: Humility. They heard the story of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane the night that He was arrested, learning that Jesus was willing to put others’ needs ahead of what He wanted, even if it meant His death.
  • Bottom Line – I can put others first by letting go of what I want.
  • This week, talk to your children about where Jesus’ disciples were while he went deep into the garden to pray.
  • Looking for more ideas? Click here for this month’s Jumpstart Parent Cue.


  • In our Bloom classes, the kids learned all about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and heard about how the people were so excited to see Him coming! They learned how the people shouted, “Hosanna!” and exclaimed that Jesus is the best!
  • Bottom Line – Jesus is the best!
  • This week, take some time to talk to your preschoolers about what Palm Sunday means. Ask them what it meant when the people of Jerusalem shouted, “Hosanna!”
  • Looking for more ideas? Click here for this month’s Bloom Parent Cue.

On Sunday, all of our Bloom and Jumpstart classes got the chance to visit with some special guests! Northstar was able to welcome a pair of miniature donkeys to church, allowing our kids to make the connection between the Palm Sunday story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and the world they get to experience.