Two Things I’ve Learned After 20 Years with Passion

Blog, College Ministry

Our Lead Pastor, Jeff Noble, shared about his experiences at the Passion Conference on his personal blog, Notes from the Trail. Here is some of what he had to say…

In 1997, I took a small group of students to Austin, Texas for a new Christian conference just for college students. It was called Passion ’97. Louie Giglio led it. Louie had been the college minister at a church in Waco, Texas, where he had created a weekly worship service for students called Choice. It grew into a large gathering, and college ministers across the nation were trying to mimic its patter. Passion ’97 had 1,800 students (or so) present, and we thought it was monumental for collegiate ministry.

I spent the first weekdays of 2017 at the 20th anniversary of Passion. 55,000 students gathered to worship and seek God together at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. It was surreal to worship with another generation of students, as a pastor, in a different state and reflect on how God has impacted my life through this movement and ministry with collegians.

In Jeff’s original post, he goes on to detail two important things he’s learned from the Passion Conference over the years: Worship must be authentic and God’s glory must be preeminent. You’re encouraged to follow the link and check out the rest of the post at Notes from the Trail.