Welcome Week with Connect

News, College Ministry

college-welcome-4Well, the time is finally upon us. Summer is winding down, and the fall semester is just around the corner. This means that classes are starting, homework is being given, and you are spending long nights alone in the library working on assignments you waited until the last minute to do.

Fortunately, though for us all, hope is not lost. With these terrible things mentioned above come wonderful and fun things as well. We get to see all our friends, leave our rooms a mess without being yelled at, and most importantly, Connect College Ministry is back on for the fall! Well, maybe that isn’t the most important thing that’s happening right now.

Regardless, we have a fun lineup of events happening in the coming weeks that we would love for you to join us for!

Welcome Week Events At a Glance…

  • Bubble Soccer – Tuesday, August 23, at 4:00 p.m. Dietrick Field
  • Bonfire – Saturday, August 27, at 8:00 p.m. on Northstar’s land
  • Welcome Reception – Sunday, August 28, immediately after our second service

If you have any questions, please email our college minister, Erin Petersen. We hope to see you at each of these events!