What A Year Its Been

News, Children's Ministry

Every year about this time I start thinking about how crazy it is that another year has come and gone. How is it that time can go by so fast? And it goes by especially fast now that I have kids.

So in reflection I just wanted to put down some of the highlights in Children’s Ministry this year. We have done some really fun stuff! And all glory to God that we were able to pull it off! 😉

We began last year uncertain of what would happen with our Jumpstart classroom. We were losing some faithful servants as teachers, our curriculum was no longer applicable, and we were uncertain how to manage having classes for the Elementary kids at 2 different services. Although it is still a work in progress, God has blessed us with some amazing new teachers and assistants, a wonderful new curriculum and a classroom to house it all at the high school.

We had two baby dedications in 2011. Eight families committed to raising their children God’s way with help from their Northstar family. We were so excited to see a baby boom in late Summer and Fall and began to recruit more workers for the Nursery! And they keep coming! More babies are due in 2012!

Over the summer we challenged our families to get to know their neighbors, coworkers and friends and invite them to a picnic at the end of the summer. The picnic at Hand in Hand park and our pool party at the Shawnee Pool were lots of fun.

We had a Northstar family night at Chick-fil-A and enjoyed some yummy food together in October. We also gathered at Sinkland Farms to watch some pumpkin flinging and pick one of our own. In November we collected over 106 boxes for Operation Christmas Child and in December we had a Family Fun Day and made edible nativities.

And in the midst of big events there were the most important things to remember of all: the parents who prayed over their babies, the mamas who asked God for wisdom as they taught their children at home, and the dads who dealt daily with ungodly coworkers in a godly way. The kids who made their teachers uncomfortable by telling other kids about Jesus and inviting friends to church. The boy who told his parents, “I am fantastic!” after learning Psalm 139:14. Or the girl who went home and washed her whole families’ feet after studying John 13. These are moments worth celebrating!

So tonight at the end of this 2011 year I am thankful to call you all family and to know that you are running beside me toward the same goal of bringing God glory! I hope it has been a wonderful year for you and I pray the best for your families in 2012!