Why I Love Serving at Northstar: Jessie Slaughter


This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Why I Love Serving at Northstar


As a student at Virginia Tech one thing I hear and see a lot is This is Home. It is true that I have found a home during my time in Blacksburg but not just on Virginia Tech’s campus. I found another home in Blacksburg at Northstar. Northstar has been a big part of my time as a student at Virginia Tech especially in the last six months since I have become an Intern and working specifically with the Children’s Ministry.

My favorite part of serving at Northstar is working alongside the men and women who lead within the church. I’ve learned so many things about working in ministry and about the Lord in just my short time as an Intern. You can always count on Jeff to give you a bad Dad joke and be a constant encourager. Neal is always the first person to ask me how I am when I walk into the office and asks really great questions. Matt Simpson will one day rule the world, and I hope that I can serve alongside him when that happens. Matt Kesler is always getting picked on but takes it like a champ, and it’s so humbling to see how he serves the youth of Northstar. Megan is the glue that holds us together, and everytime I walk into her office and she’s reading her Bible, it encourages me in my own walk with the Lord. Erin gives the best advice, and I can always count on her to lift me up and be there for me when I need someone to talk to. And last but not least is Julie – who gave me a chance and really allowed me to find my passion within ministry. She extends me lots of grace and allows me to grow daily. The kids of Northstar also bring me a lot of joy. Serving within Children’s Ministry and watching these kiddos at such a young age being able to memorize scripture or grab onto simple truths of the Gospel is such an encouragement in my own walk with the Lord. 

Through serving at Northstar I’ve been able to grow in my relationship with the Lord and discover that I have a real heart for ministry and want to pursue it as a career. The past six months have been challenging but in a way that has made me a better person and I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve at Northstar.

Want to Read More in this Series?<< Why I Love Serving at Northstar: Matt Kesler